Definition of Done

“Well done is better than well said.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Definition of Done

  1. Have code pushed to the remote repository (at least once a day)
  2. Have all sub-tickets be marked “done”
  3. Have all relevant documentation and/or diagrams created or updated
  4. Have all build/deployment/configuration changes communicated with DevOps
  5. Have the hours spent on the ticket added in JIRA to the related issue
  6. Have code meeting the Dealerdirect development standards (see the guides repository)
  7. Builds without errors (thus passing system tests)
  8. Have a pull-request opened when work is finalized (or earlier if formal feedback is required)
  9. Have code reviewed and approved by at least 2 developers
  10. Have been tested in the test environment
  11. The Product Owner accepts the implemented changes
  12. Has been merged to the master branch
  13. Be successfully deployed to production environment

As decided by the Development Team